The Maths Mum® - Workbook 18 - MENTAL MATHS

The Maths Mum® - Workbook 18 - MENTAL MATHS


This workbook covers the curriculum topic of MENTAL MATHS.

In the classroom of today there is a lot more emphasis on the ability to do maths ‘in your head’ - MENTAL MATHS - and as such lots of time is spent focusing on it at school.

The national curriculum and the Framework for teaching mathematics make it clear that children should learn number facts by heart and be taught to develop a range of mental strategies for quickly finding from known facts a range of related facts that they cannot recall rapidly. 

There are several ways of doing a calculation - using paper and pencil, using a calculator, working out mentally or a combination of all of these.  For most simple KS1 and KS2 maths the mental approach is the most efficient method and therefore is mental maths techniques are taught throughout primary school.

Maths questions are set by academic year.  Each year throughout primary school from Reception to Year 6 has been set a curriculum appropriate question.    

Find the right level for your child and work through the question.  Remember that you can always do all the questions up to and including the year your child is in.  And if your child is capable and willing they can always attempt the next year up.

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