Spot the difference?

It’s official… The Maths Mum is now The Maths Mum®

I came back from holiday yesterday and finally got around to opening the backlog of post this morning. And there is was. The letter from the Intellectual Property Office with the Registration Certificate.

According to the Trade Marks Act 1994, The Maths Mum® has been registered under No. UK00003405935 effective as of date 11/06/2019 and has been entered in the register on 30/08/2019. Signed by Tim Moss, REGISTRAR.

So today’s first job as The Maths Mum® was to update the website content to reflect my new status as a registered trade mark and add the little subscript ® to every reference of The Maths Mum®. There is something truly satisfying about adding that little alt-R. It is a land mark day that makes everything very real and couldn’t have had better timing. It’s the end of the summer holidays, the boys first day back at school and I’m back working as The Maths Mum® on a full time basis.

I have been looking at my goals and targets for the months ahead and sketching a plan to achieve them. I am very excited to see how the next phase of The Maths Mum® continues to bring the love to maths!

Karen McGuigan