The Maths Mum® and Lance talk Number Bonds to 10

The Maths Mum® and Lance talk Number Bonds to 10

I have been asked about Number Bonds to 10 over the last couple of weeks and I thought it was a good topic for Lance and I to tackle.

Firstly, number bonds to 10 are defined as the numbers when added together make 10....

10+0; 9+1; 8+2; 7+3; 6+4; 5+5; 4+6; 3+7; 2+8; 1+9; and 0+10

They are just simple additions. 

A key maths milestone is to be able to 'memorise' them so that they go into long term memory and call be recalled as opposed to worked out.  Being able to recall them helps with harder addition in the future.

The only way to get something into long term memory is by repetition.  So in order for us to continue to engage a child we need repetition but not boredom and therefore Lance and I decided to show you seven different ways to practice number bonds to 10.

Karen McGuigan