FREE Workbooks & Resources for all Home Educators

The Maths Mum® is currently offering FREE help to all parents home educating their PRIMARY aged children in MATHS. FREE resources, workbooks and video tutorials are available from the website.

There are now 12 workbooks available by topic.

Maths questions are set by academic year.  Each year throughout primary school from Reception to Year 6 has been set a curriculum appropriate question.    

Find the right level for your child and work through the question.  Remember that you can always do all the questions up to and including the year your child is in.  And if your child is capable and willing they can always attempt the next year up.

They are available to download for FREE here.

The Maths Mum® is committed to supporting everyone who is educating their children at home for FREE. However if you can and would like to donate towards supporting the work of The Maths Mum® then it will be appreciated. Thank you.

Suggested donations…

£2 for a workbook

£3 for a video tutorial

£4 for a resource booklet

£10 because you keep coming back for more

£25 because you can!

You can donate here.

Karen McGuigan